Description: <DIV STYLE="text-align:Left;"><DIV><DIV><P><SPAN>This annotation feature class includes attributes such as:</SPAN></P><UL><LI><P><SPAN>OBJECTID</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>FeatureID</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>ZOrder</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>AnnotationClassID - This is the type of annotation that the numbers will have.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>SymbolID</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>Status</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>TEXTSTRING - This is the actual number that is placed in ArcMap and displayed.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>FONTNAME - The type of font that is used for the annotation label.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>FONTSIZE - The size of font used for the annotation label.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>BOLD - This is whether or not the font is bolded.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>ITALIC - This is whether or not the font is italicized.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>UNDERLINE - This is whether or not the font is underlined.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>VERTICALALIGNMENT</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>HORIZONTALALIGNMENT</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>XOFFSET</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>YOFFSET</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>ANGLE - This is the angle of the text that is int he annotation.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>FONTLEADING</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>WORDSPACING</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>CHARACTERWIDTH</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>CHARACTERSPACING</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>FLIPANGLE</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>OVERRIDE</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>TSCLINK</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>SHAPE - This will always be a POLYGON.</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>SHAPE.area</SPAN></P></LI><LI><P><SPAN>SHAPE.len</SPAN></P></LI></UL></DIV></DIV></DIV>
Color: [255, 255, 255, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: -2 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: bold Font Decoration: none
Min. Scale: 512000.0 Max. Scale: 0.0 Label Placement: esriServerLinePlacementCenterAlong Label Expression: N/A Use Coded Values: true Symbol:
Color: [78, 78, 78, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: middle Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: bold Font Decoration: none
Min. Scale: 512000.0 Max. Scale: 0.0 Label Placement: esriServerLinePlacementCenterAlong Label Expression: N/A Use Coded Values: true Symbol:
Color: [78, 78, 78, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: middle Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none
Min. Scale: 512000.0 Max. Scale: 0.0 Label Placement: esriServerLinePlacementCenterAlong Label Expression: N/A Use Coded Values: true Symbol:
Color: [255, 255, 255, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: middle Horizontal Alignment: center Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 9 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: bold Font Decoration: none
Min. Scale: 32000.0 Max. Scale: 0.0 Label Placement: esriServerLinePlacementCenterAlong Label Expression: N/A Use Coded Values: true Symbol:
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: bottom Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Arial Font Style: normal Font Weight: bold Font Decoration: none
Color: [0, 0, 0, 255] Background Color: N/A Outline Color: N/A Vertical Alignment: baseline Horizontal Alignment: left Right to Left: false Angle: 0 XOffset: 0 YOffset: 0 Size: 8 Font Family: Times New Roman Font Style: normal Font Weight: normal Font Decoration: none