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Layer: Street Intersections (ID: 2)

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Name: Street Intersections

Display Field: Intersection

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryMultipoint

Description: Peoria GIS Street Centerline with new Network attributes and Google_ClassIllinois State Plane West Coordinate System referenced to the North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) with 1997 adjustment and the North American Vertical Datum 1988 (NAVD88) with units expressed in U.S. survey feet. The attributes within this file include:OBJECTID - This is the ID number that goes with every obejct within this file.L_F_ADD and L_T_ADD - The left “from” and “to” address range numbers. Values can be the same value for very short segments. The domain constrains the values to be between 0 and 15000 inclusive.R_F_ADD and R_T_ADD - The right “from” and “to” address range numbers. Values can be the same value for very short segments. The domain constrains the values to be between 0 and 15000 inclusive.PREFIX - This is the directional of the street as in North, South, East, or West; this is determined from the baseline file.NAME - It is the street name, for example, "CLOVER."TYPE - This is the type of road it is such as DRIVE, STREET, BOULEVARD, AVENUE, etc.SUFFIX - If there is no prefix for a road or street, there will be a suffix in play. This is also a directional in North, South, East, or West.FCC - This is another way of naming or coding the objects and stands for FRAMEWORK CLASS CODES and can be found using the document called "FCCdefinitions" in the Centerline folder.ZIPL and ZIPR - Zipcodes of the parcels on the left and right sides of the centerline. Useful for geocoding. The values are obtained from our Zipcodes layer. Note that the value refers to the parcel to the left or right of the centerline, not the area to the absolute left or right of the zipcode boundary.SPEED - This is the speed limit of the road that is being edited.FT_MINUTES and TF_MINUTES - These fields are usually the same.DATE_MODIF - If an edit or revision is made to different attributes in this file, a change in date is required to let anyone else know that this has been updated.LCITY_C and RCITY_C - City name of the parcels on the left and right sides of the centerline. If the left or the right side of the centerline is outside of a city limit, it is then considered "County."R_CI_C and L_CI_C - This corresponds with the LCITY_C and RCITY_C and is just another way of naming the city or county. You can find these city abbreviations in an Excel file called "Street_Type_Abbr" in the Centerlines folder.ALIAS - If a road is called by any other name such as "KNOXVILLE AVE" can also be called "ROUTE 40," then the name of the street would be "KNOXVILLE" and the alias would be "ROUTE 40."Actual_L_F and Actual_L_T - The actual left "from" and "to" is used to address the current housing situation on the block. If there are existing parcels that have houses or establishments built, it would be their range. For example, what was once a range of "101 - 199" is now possibly "103 - 127."Actual_R_F and Actual_R_T - The actual right "from" and "to" is used to address the current housing situation on the block. If there are existing parcels that have houses or establishments built, it would be their range. For example, what was once a range of "100 - 198" is now possibly "102 - 126."StreetName - This will be the full road name instead of just the name, for example, "CLOVER" as stated previously would now be "Clover St" in this field.Label - This is the street label such as an alley, ramp, streets where the value is unknown or not names, or highways/interstates.CLASS_RTE - This is the class route for the centerlines.ROAD_TYPE - This is another way of noting the type of road that is being maintained such as PRIVATE, PUBLIC, CITY, etc.State - Because Peoria County is in the center of Illinois, this will always be IL.Miles - Using the measuring tool in ArcMap, the length in miles can be calculated along the length of road that is being edited.CityRoads - This corresponds with ROAD_TYPE in the way that if a road is public or owned by the city, it would be considered a city road and therefore filled with a "YES" and if it is a private road or county road, this would be filled with a "NO."Shape_Leng - This is the shape length of the road segment in decimal degrees.OneWay - This indicates whether or not the road being edited is a one way street or not, therefore filled with a "YES" or "NO."GOOG_CLASS - This is another way of classifying the roads type that is being edited and can be found using three existing shapefiles called "Peoria County Road Labels," "Roads," and "Road Width."Shape_Le_1 - This is the same as Shape_Leng.Shape_Le_2 - This is the same as Shape_Leng.Shape - This is the shape or type of feature the object is, and in this case, it is a "Polyline."Shape.len - This is the same as Shape_Leng.

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