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This is the parcel identification number.neighborhood - THis is the neighborhood that the house falls within.legal_acreage - This is the total amount of acreage there is on the land.year_built - This is the year that the house was built.gradeeff_year_built - This is the year that the house was built.full_baths - This is the number of full bathrooms that there are in the house.half_baths - This is the number of half bathrooms there are in the house.total_living_area - This is the area of the total amount of living room area.main_living_area - This is the area of the main living room.n_bedrooms - This is the number of bedrooms that the house has.bsmnt_area - This is the total area of the basement.rec_area - If there is a recreational area in the house, this tells you the the area.bsmnt_fin_area - This is the number of square feet that there is of finished basement.central_air - This is whether or not the house has central air.fireplaces - This is the number of fireplaces that the house has.gar_area - This is the area of the garage.det_gar_areanet_selling_price - This is the selling price of the house.measured_acreage - This is the number of acres that the house sits on.cdu - This is the condition of the house.property_classPropClass - This is the type of family that lives in the house.parcel_id - This is the parcel identification number.ValPerSqft - This is the value per square foot of property.gradeDescstory_config_code - This is how many stories are in the house.mkt_house_type - This is the type of house it is, for example, OLD STYLE, CONVENTIONAL, RANCH, etc.ext_cover_codeShape - This will always be a POINT feature.", "copyrightText": "", "editFieldsInfo": null, "ownershipBasedAccessControlForFeatures": null, "syncCanReturnChanges": false, "relationships": [], "isDataVersioned": false, "isDataArchived": false, "infoInEstimates": [ "extent", "count" ], "isDataBranchVersioned": false, "isDataReplicaTracked": false, "isCoGoEnabled": false, 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